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IEC 62040-1:2017/AMD1:2021不间断电源(UPS)标准已更新

lifang_w 发表于 2022-3-31 15:31:18
Nemko已可以发UPS不间断电源的新版CB认证,标准:IEC 62040-1:2017/AMD1:2021。


第1-1 部分:操作人员触及区使用的UPS的一般规定和安全要求 能免提供的测试项目包括: 1 电源接口 2 标记和说明 3 操作人员触及区域不间断电源防护 4 反向馈电保护 5 紧急开关装置 6 安全特低电压电路-SELV 7 限流电路 8 外部信号电路 9 受限制电源 10 保护接地 11 保护连接 12 断开装置 13 蓄电池电路保护 14 操作人员防护 15 电气间隙、爬电距离和绝缘穿透距离 16 布线、连接和供电 17 外壳 19 稳定性 20 机械强度 21 结构设计 22 防火 23 蓄电池的安置 24 温升 25 对地漏电流 26 抗电强度 27 异常运行和故障条件。IEC 62040-3:2011 不间断电源系统(UPS).第3部分:规定性能的方法和试验要求。存储设备;交流电流;交替电源;蓄电池供电;连续的;定义(术语);直流电流;效率;电能;电力系统;电气工程;电驱动装置;电子设备及元件;检验;文电;使用条件;使用特性;性能;工作性能;属性;质量;供应;测量要求;试验;可不中断的.iec62040-3-1999不间断电源系统(ups),3部分:性能规定……

适用范围This part of IEC 62040 applies to movable, stationary, fixed or built-in UPS for use in low- voltage distribution systems and that are intended to be installed in an area accessible by an ordinary person or in a restricted access area as applicable, that deliver fixed frequency AC output voltage with port voltages not exceeding 1000 V AC or 1500 V DC and that include an energy storage device. It applies to pluggable and to permanently connected UPS, whether consisting of a system of interconnected units or of independent units, subject to installing, operating and maintaining the UPS in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer. NOTE 1 Typical UPS configurations, including voltage and/or frequency converters and other topologies, are described in IEC 62040-3, the test and performance product standard for UPS. NOTE 2 UPS generally connect to their energy storage device through a DC link. A chemical battery is used throughout the standard as an example of an energy storage device. Alternative devices exist, and as such, where "battery" appears in the text of this document, this is to be understood as "energy storage device". This document specifies requirements to ensure safety for the ordinary person who comes into contact with the UPS and, where specifically stated, for the skilled person. The objective is to reduce risks of fire, electric shock, thermal, energy and mechanical hazards during use and operation and, where specifically stated, during service and maintenance. This product standard is harmonized with the applicable parts of group safety publication IEC 62477-1:2012 for power electronic converter systems and contains additional requirements relevant to UPS. This document does not cover: UPS that have a DC output; systems for operation on moving platforms including, but not limited to, aircrafts, ships and motor vehicles; external AC or DC input and output distribution boards covered by their specific product standard; stand-alone static transfer systems .

其它电源认证如IEC 60601-1医疗标准,IEC 62368-1IT/AV标准,IEC 60335-1家电标准,IEC 61347-1灯具标准也欢迎联系咨询。

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