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预制标志桩钢模具 水泥标志桩厂家直销 -建信 模具

jxmjzz 发表于 2021-12-7 13:40:39

The cement marker pile mold is mainly used to mark underground pipelines and underground lines to prevent the loss of pipelines when excavating machines take soil. This cement product adopts the cement marker pile mold, which is convenient and fast in production, the surface font marks can be changed at will, the mold can be disassembled, the production is convenient and simple, there is no need for large equipment, and the field production is not limited. It is a special mold for the production of marker piles, cement, For the cooperative processing of the vibration platform, put the concrete into the cement mark pile mold, vibrate on the vibration platform for about 10 seconds, take it down and dry it in the shade where there is no sun. After the cement solidifies, remove the mold when the last bit of water remains inside, so that the complete cement mark pile can be successfully manufactured and formed. The sign pile produced in this way has clear words, beautiful appearance, light weight and easy construction. Different patterns can also be designed on it, and different words and patterns can be made according to the requirements of customers. The factory is located in convenient transportation, convenient and fast transportation of goods. In order to meet the needs of today's society, cement marker pile molds can also produce different shapes. The commonly used ones are: rectangular marker pile molds, triangular marker pile molds, circular marker pile molds and hexagonal marker pile molds. Special shaped marker pile molds can also be customized according to the requirements of customers.


When we walk on the street, we can see the steel molds of sign piles. Cement sign piles and steel molds will be erected on the roadside. There may be gas sign piles, pipeline sign piles, cable sign piles, or others. The steel molds of railway sign piles indicate that we should not move the cables and other objects buried under the land, which effectively eliminates the occurrence of dangerous accidents. As the leading product of the new generation in the construction industry, the cement sign pile mold has unlimited space for future development in terms of the nature of the product and the demand of the market. The production process of making cement products with steel mold of sign pile is a widely used production process at present. The cement products produced by this production process are simple, easy to form and of good quality.
保定建信模具制造有限公司坚持“以科技为动力、以质量为基石,追求 品质,持续不断改进,超越客户期望,打造建信品牌”的方针,致力于市政工程、路政工程、高铁路基、桥梁护栏、河道护坡、新型建材等领域的砼制品塑模。各种规格的路侧石塑料模具,路肩石塑料模具,路平石塑料模具,护坡六角塑料模具和拱形骨架护坡模具等产品在河南的叶信,阿沈,濮鹤,焦桐,连霍,商周,东北的哈大,延吉和武汉至广州的高速(公路)铁路工程,及新疆,江西的各大型水库使用后效果明显,获得一致好评。近年来,保定建信模具制造有限公司主打高铁路基、高铁桥梁防护栏塑模和各种钢丝网立柱模模具、U型槽模具、RPC盖板模具、隧道盖板模具、遮板模具、声屏障模具、路肩石模具、六角护坡塑料模具、边沟盖板模具、专用排水管件等塑料模具和钢模具等。我公司积极完善产品网络,同百度平台、阿里平台等多个网络合作,建信模具逐渐在互联网上发展起来,质量打造建信品牌,诚信赢得建信未来,携手建信模具,共创辉煌未来!咨询电话 18703120599  冉经理

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