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ANLA KIDS 安啦宝贝儿童安全感早教(广西南宁)/Gace Design集合设计

bsby123 发表于 2020-9-29 10:20:49

  A sense of security is the background color of a child's life. A child with it is just like wearing hard armor. Under its protection, it can overcome countless difficulties on the way of growing up. Helping children establish a sense of security and improving the family happiness index are the core brand concept of "Anla Baby Early Education for Children's Sense of security".


  Design requirements


  The project is located in Nanning, Guangxi, with an area of 670 square meters. The site is irregular in shape, but has excellent daylighting index. The owner hopes that the space can fully reflect the core brand concept of "sense of security", can contain the brand's rich class categories, and should be different from the traditional children's education space with different classes, single function and high saturation.


  Design thinking


  The difficulty of the design lies in how to ensure the unique creativity of the space, but also to realize the multi-functional requirements and the embodiment of the concept. We grasp the key words, from "safety" to "soft without sharp Angle"; Inclusion leads to the idea of "sustained resilience".


  Design methods

  Gace Design集合设计将一条“永恒流动的自由曲线”贯穿空间前后,整合异形、多柱的场地,全新定义儿童空间。这条曲线犹如一条灵动的彩带,激活整个空间,使其既完整,又多变,趣味盈然又动感十足。

  Gace Design integrates a "free curve of eternal flow" through the space before and after, integrating the special-shaped and multi-column site and defining children's space in a new way. This curve is like a clever ribbon, activating the whole space, making it both complete and changeable, interesting and dynamic.




  The front desk lobby allows children to feel open and free, start the pony da, can't help running, happy around the circular front desk to do their favorite "round and round" game.


  Or mischievously along the front desk of the small circle to climb up to greet the teacher on duty, look up to see the designer specifically for the children of the strong vitality of the flowers.


  Draw this region


  From the front desk to the painting area, this special journey is like the red carpet in front of the stage, enabling children to complete the transformation from germination, landing and growth to the result, which is the special meaning the designer wants to give to the space. The drawing area is the most typical open space here. It has multiple functions such as children's reading area, play area, teachers' exchange area and parents' interaction area, attracting people to stay and interact.


  It is like a stable on the earth, the significance of growth of the house, with the ladder to lift, help children to build a dream in the future. Rich and varied picture books are among them, which lead the children to see the colorful world and represent the children's colorful and unrestrained inner world.

  Gace Design集合设计特别注重发挥空间采光优势,不仅减少物体对光线的遮挡,还对面向自然光源的内部墙面也尽量做大开门窗处理,将自然光和户外自然景观最大限度延引至室内,让孩子在舒适的自然光中学习,与早晨的太阳耳语,与变化的光影游戏,感受阴晴,体验四季。

  Gace Design with a special focus on giving full play to the advantages of space lighting, not only reduce the number of objects to light shade, also for the natural light of inner walls and try to do open doors and Windows processing, will natural light and outdoor natural landscape maximum delay to indoor, let the child in a comfortable learning in natural light, and whispered the morning sun, with the change of light and shadow, feeling the rain or shine, experience the four seasons.


  There is space in space


  The curves are walls, the public areas are outdoor, and the teaching offices are surrounded by interior Spaces. Sometimes there are eaves on the wall, under which you can shade and keep out the rain.

  有时,墙对空间的分界又是模糊的,空间因此开放而自由,Gace Design集合设计塑造更强的互动性空间和对话平台,强调合作的重要性,安全、自由、共融的氛围。

  Sometimes, the boundary between the wall and the space is fuzzy, so the space is open and free. Gace Design collective Design creates a stronger interactive space and dialogue platform, emphasizes the importance of cooperation, and creates a safe, free and inclusive atmosphere.


  Teaching space


  The interactive space guides children to accompany each other and play games together with their partners, and to gain precious friendship through sharing and cooperation again and again. It helps to cultivate children's harmonious social relationship and outgoing personality.


  The space USES natural log material and natural and fresh color system to create a relaxed and natural space atmosphere. Children through the doorway of the forest, to see the flowers in bloom, to the green grass, to any paradise they want to reach.


  Play, explore, learn... In a comfortable and natural environment, we can put down the restlessness, relax our body and mind, and focus on the play and growth, emphasizing the security of the course.

  除此之外,Gace Design集合设计塑造简洁、干净、明亮的卫生间减少孩子的恐惧,符合孩子尺寸的配套设施,辅助老师培养孩子独自上厕所的自理能力。

  In addition, Gace Design creates a simple, clean and bright toilet to reduce children's fear, and provides matching facilities for children to help teachers develop children's self-care ability to go to the toilet alone.


  The core brand concept of "security" is integrated with a flexible flow curve, and the unique creative and multi-functional needs are realized at the same time. The rich curriculum category is included to protect children with different personalities, so that children and parents can rest assured. Children can feel the sense of security brought by the soft space, explore along the winding path with the light, pass by interesting plants, discover mysterious treasures, meet their dear friends, harvest happy growth, and step by step lead to a beautiful future.


  项目地点:广西南宁室内设计:Gace Design集合设计 品牌设计:Gace Design集合设计 设计时间:2018.12—2019.02施工时间:2019.03—2019.05使用面积:670 m² 项目状态:已建成设计总监:朱行奇 ,贺维设计团队:段家良、成鹏鹏、何文龙、庄凯敏项目类型:外观设计,室内设计项目属性:#早教中心设计##日托中心设计##幼儿园设计#

  Project location: Nanning, Guangxi

  Design company: Gace Design

  Design time: 2018.12 -- 2019.02

  Construction time: 2019.03 -- 2019.05

  Usable area: 670 m²

  Project status: completed

  Design Director: Zhu Xingqi, He WeiDesign team: Duan Jieliang, Cheng Pengpeng, He Wenlong, Zhuang Kaimin

  Project type: exterior design, interior design

  Project properties: # Early Education Center design # #Day Care Center Design ## Kindergarten design#

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