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WOXIE2018 发表于 2023-4-11 09:28:10
无创测血糖需要的可以试试。电话 15556662017微信同号  

CompanyProfile    公司简介Foundedin 2009, UMC is a high-tech company engaged in high-tech cutting-edge researchand development and application, with a complete and scientific qualitymanagement system. Relying on integrated electronic technology and large-scaleproduction, it is an innovative enterprise for the purpose of providingeasy-to-use, differentiated, trendy, competitive consumer electronics and otherproduct design and development services. The company has a R & D technicalteam composed of health electronics experience and medical experts, relying onthe big data health platform to develop intelligent health monitors can collectand analyze human body parameters, so as to achieve the purpose of healthmanagement for users. The company seeks development in the competition, seeksopportunities in the challenge, and is willing to go hand in hand with you tocreate brilliant!1 Howto determine that you are the beginning of blood sugarThemost accurate way to know whether you have diabetes is to go to the hospitalfor intravenous blood glucose testing, normal fasting blood glucose is3.9-6.1mmol/L, blood glucose less than 7.8mmol/L 2 hours after meals, if thefasting blood glucose concentration exceeds 7.0mmol/L or the blood glucoseexceeds 11.1mmol/L in the 2 hours after the meal, and there are correspondingclinical symptoms of thirst, polydipsia, polyuria, and weight loss, diabetescan be diagnosed2 Howto control blood sugar is the most effectiveThereare many ways to control blood sugar, depending on the individual's physique,so how to control blood sugar is the most effective? Exercisehelps improve the efficiency of muscle tissue in the use of glucose, and canimprove insulin sensitivity, promote body weight loss, and is very beneficial forblood sugar control in diabetic patients. The best choice of exercise is tochoose your appropriate exercise method according to your age, weight andcondition, and then persevere. Thequality of diet is also related to people's physical health, and a reasonableand healthy diet can help us provide nutrition in time to replenish the dailycalories in the body. It's part of our healthy life. For diabetic patients, ahealthy and reasonable diet is more essential, the occurrence of diabetes isoriginally related to eating, so a healthy diet is more important for diabeticpatients, patients with high blood sugar are best to pay attention to diet,change bad eating habits, in order to better control high blood sugar.3 Howto control high blood sugarSome peoplecheck that blood sugar is high, but it has not yet reached the level ofdiabetes, so how to control high blood sugar? Thequality of the state of mind often affects the quality of blood sugar control.So once you find that your blood sugar is high, don't be afraid, find out thecause, and treat it symptomatically. Even if you find that you have diabetes,do not be pessimistic and disappointed, although diabetes can not be completelyrooted, but daily control of blood sugar, to prevent complications, diabetespatients can live a normal life. Highblood sugar will make people go to the toilet more, and the body will losewater too quickly and too quickly. It will reduce the blood volume in the wholebody, and the blood concentration will easily cause the blood sugar to riseeven more. Therefore, regardless of whether thirsty or not, patients with highblood sugar should drink 1000-1500 ml of water per day, and timely make up forthe loss of water, in special cases, should increase the amount of water in thebody. Every day in the early morning and before going to bed, drink water inmoderation before and after the activity, and the amount of water consumed eachtime is about 200ml. It is best to drink 2-3 times, be careful not to drink toomuch at one time.4Howdoes diabetes control blood sugar? The doctor gives 5 small suggestions1.Correct use of hypoglycemic drugsDiabeticpatients need to take correct and reasonable hypoglycemic drugs to controlblood sugar, especially patients with severe diabetes, the effect ofcontrolling diet alone is not obvious, and it is necessary to adhere to the useof insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs, but need to be used under the adviceof doctors, it is best to go to the hospital regularly to check the physicalcondition.2. DietcontrolThediet management of diabetics is particularly important, and an irrational dietcan easily lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar. Patients should control theintake of sugar in their daily diet, eat less pumpkin, sweet potatoes and otherfoods with more sugar, as well as cream cakes, drinks, etc. should also payattention to reasonable consumption, and fruits should also be eaten less. Thecontrol of diet needs to be adhered to for a long time, high-fat andhigh-cholesterol foods should be rejected, and try to drink lightly, such aseating more crude fiber foods, but pay attention to the balanced combination ofnutrition in the diet.3.Stick to sportsDiabeticscan stabilize blood sugar through appropriate exercise, such as swimming,running and other exercise methods, after aerobic exercise, sugar can beconsumed, speed up the body's blood circulation and metabolism, and avoidobesity. However, for patients with poor health, it is not recommended toexercise excessively, walk around properly every day, and promote bloodcirculation.4.Avoid excessive alcohol consumptionDiabeticsare not recommended to drink too much alcohol, excessive alcohol consumptionwill affect blood sugar, and even induce serious complications, for diabeticswho insist on treatment, it is best not to drink. But in the case of bloodsugar is controlled, it is possible to drink alcohol appropriately.5.Emotional stability is the most importantThereare many people who are sick, affected by the disease, often have a bad mood,and even depression and so on. Diabetic patients should maintain an optimisticattitude, positive face, do not give up on themselves, because a good mood isconducive to the control of the disease, as long as you usually insist oncontrolling diet, taking drugs, exercise, etc., is a good way to control bloodsugar, so that it maintains balance, a good attitude in the face of the diseaseis the most favorable way.In thecase of mild diabetic patients, blood sugar can be controlled through diet andexercise, but in fact, there is no need for medication. However, the conditionis serious, blood sugar is always fluctuating, or the need to use hypoglycemicdrugs reasonably under the advice of a doctor, of course, diet control and insistenceon exercise are also essential.


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